Your next step after learning C Plus Plus
an introduction
If you read all the lessons that we explained in this course and reached here, it means that you have become skilled in dealing with the language ofC++.
The thing you have to look for now, is how to start using a languageC++In software projects in order to benefit financially from them.
What do I learn after I learn a languageC++
In the beginning, there are many areas that you should specialize in, but not all of them because this is impossible.
That is, never think to specialize in several areas at the same time. Because if you try, confirm that at some point you will despair and get bored of the stress you caused yourself.
So, after you learn a languageC++You can approve it in one of the following areas:
game development(Game Development).
robotics programming(Robotics).
Building operating systems(Operating Systems).
Computer application development(Software Development).
Website Development(Web Development).
Artificial intelligence(Artifical Intelligence).
Pay attention, your specialization in one field does not mean that you cannot learn another. The idea here is to specialize in one area at a time.
For example, if you decide to start learning computer application development. Then you should spend a while learning that and then you should try to build several applications on your own until you find yourself comfortable in this field and not be afraid to start developing applications and profit from them financially.
After you find yourself becoming a professional in the field of computer application development, then we advise you to start learning another field in order to increase your chances of working and profiting.
For example, if you decide to learn web development after that, you are now able to work in two fields and not in one field.
use languageC++in game development
languageC++It is considered one of the best and most widely used languages in game development, and the main reason for this is its speed of implementation compared to other languages.
There are several game engines(Game Engines)You can program the game in it in a languageC++And one of the most famousUnreal EngineWho developed the gamePubGby him.
Pay attention to an important point, game development is not limited to writing code only, but requires many things such as preparing graphics, characters, maps, tones, and others.
RoleC++It is limited to the programming of the game only, such as making the player move when clicking on the arrows and making him rotate when moving the mouse, determining when the bad guys appear in the game, when the player loses, when he wins and move to another stage etc..
Develop computer applications using languageC++
inC++There are frames(Frameworks)There are many things that you can use to build computer applications or what is known as desktop applications(Desktop Apps).
The most popular frameworks currently used in building computer applications are the following:
QTAnd it is considered the most famous for that.
wxWidgetsIt is also very popular.
openframeworksIt is free and you can use it freely.
Website development using languageC++
inC++There are several frameworks that you can use as an intermediary between visitors and the site's database or external services used by the site.
The most popular frameworks currently used in building computer applications are the following:
Be careful, it's rare to find a web development company that uses a languageC++In this area because there are easier options for that and they actually don't need to. While the huge companies that need very high performance speed such as Google and Facebook use it because they need the best possible performance, and actually you find that they have developed translators in a languageC++specifically for this purpose.
Recently, a very important use of the language has appearedC++In web development from the user side, it is said to himWebAssemblyWhere the page code is written mainly in the languageC++Which gives you a very high speed compared to if you use the JavaScript language, for more details on this particular matter we recommend you to watch the following video.
use languageC++in artificial intelligence
In the beginning, you have to know that the best area to use a languageC++And the most reason for her fame is her fame in this field.
The idea of artificial intelligence in general is to build a program capable of making decisions as if it were a normal human being!
You must be wondering by now how to make the program capable of thinking on its own and this is a reasonable question.
Artificial intelligence does not mean making the program think and act completely on its own, but rather making it adopt the method that people adopt in behaving and making decisions.
We will try to explain how artificial intelligence works through the following example:
Suppose there is a hospital that takes several chest x-rays daily, and then the doctor comes and looks at this picture and writes a detailed report on it.
Then each image is saved with its report in the hospital database.
After 5 years, for example, the hospital will have a database of thousands of images with their own reports.
After the hospital has a huge amount of information, this hospital can take advantage of artificial intelligence and introduce it into its work.
Now, the programmer can make any x-ray image that is captured compare with the images in the database, and on the basis of the most similar image or images, the report is printed for the new image that was captured.
For example, after comparison, the program may find that there is a 98%
chance that this patient suffers from a particular problem because most of the similar images suffer from the same problem.
Then, directly, the program will give you the detailed report of this image, as if someone had prepared this report.
In the end, we find that the more information is extended to the program, the more accurate information we get.
And to sum up the whole thing, AI bases its decisions on the information that you fund it or that you previously supplied to it.
The field of artificial intelligence, in turn, is divided into several branches, one of which you can learn, such as:
machine learning(Machine Learning) :It is based on making the machine save the information it records on its own, and then based on this information and the algorithms it adopts, give you the result. For example, when you search in Google, you will find it automatically, showing you options while entering the information you want to search for. These options were originally stored automatically when people before you searched as you do now.
smart robots(Robotics) :It is based on building machines that collect information on their own by adopting certain algorithms, and then act or perform the tasks that are asked of them on the basis of the information they have learned by themselves. For example, if you ask a robot to climb stairs, it may spend some time the first time trying how it must move in order to climb the stairs successfully. In the end, after he finds the correct way to move up the stairs, when he wants to go up the next time, he will quickly use the same method that he taught himself previously.
Vision(Vision) :It is based on making the machine able to know and analyze the nature of the objects it depicts. For example, if you take a picture of a water bottle, it is able to know that what is in the picture is a bottle, and that this bottle is full, for example, with a percentage of80% .As another example, when you add a photo on Facebook, Facebook automatically finds it tagging faces, and sometimes even tells you that the person in the photo is so-and-so and asks you if you want to tag him.
planning(Planning) :It is used a lot in games as it allows you to move characters automatically. E.g. to make the bad guys in the game get close to you or run away from you etc.
sound processing(Speech Processing) :Making the machine capable of understanding sounds and converting them into speech or making written speech pronounced.
What we have mentioned about the areas of artificial intelligence is very superficial because this field is huge and its fields are many.
What are the things you should know before entering the field of artificial intelligence?
Programmatically, you must know the languageC++And how to deal with databases.
On the other hand, this field requires great skill in mathematics if the person intends to excel in it.
In terms of mathematics, the following subjects should be studied as a start, which students study in universities:
Linear Algebra.
Probability and Statistics.
Discrete Mathematics.
Mathematical Logic.
In this link you will find very simplified images that will show you the relationship of these materials and their importance to artificial intelligencego to site »
Message from blogger
The preparation of this course required months of continuous work to be inclusive of all the basicsC++That the programmer must know and at the same time to be easy to understand.
So we hope to support us by sharing the course with your friends on social media and your colleagues at the university if you find that these lessons can benefit him.
We wish you all success and ask God to help you and bless you in your knowledge and work.